ITISAG - Sample 1 for three columns


Whitepapers, fraud reports, innovation research papers, brochures, technical customer success stories, tech product sheets, geo-political reporting, digital-story ghostwriting, corporate videos, keynote scripts, infographics, blogs, thought leadership articles, press kits, corporate presentations, websites, social media content
ITISAG - Sample 3 for three columns

Communication Services

Employee satisfaction communications, win announcements, ambassador programs, employer branding, IT change management, sales kick offs, townhalls, campaigns, banners, slogans, branding CI, event marketing, customer marketing, product marekting, content marketing, social media, press releases, GTM strategy, annual reports, shareholder conventions, capital market day 

ITISAG - Sample 3 for three columns

Branding & Consultancy

Content marketing strategies, content style guides, branding and positioning (CMO level), fundraising strategies, board/executive communications plans, innovation parks, digital experience centres, communication plans, social media amplification strategies, audience/competitor analysis


Customize Backgrounds


  " Beth is a talented copywriter and her work is recognised at the highest level of our organisation." 

Dr. Isabella Holst, SVP Strategic Initiatives  

"We work on a number of high-level communications projects internationally for which we require localised teams comprising of the best native copywriters, journalists able to interview our clients and someone at the helm with an eye for the immaculate. executive english fulfils all our criteria and so much more." 

Susanne Koppenhöfer, Managing Partner 

"Beth is an exceptionally creative writer and communications consultant." 

Michael Ostertag-Henning, Managing Partner 


"Beth provided us with a Communications Strategy when        we were close to running out of funding. She helped us understand how to position our brand to build trust. This has proved utterly critical to our fundraising strategy.

Christine Stapel E-Banks, President  

Unsere Geschichtenerzähler

Company team

Beth Negus, Head of eStory

Beht is a former AOL Communications Specialist and UKT&I Innovation Event Lead. She is the driving force (and light) behind ee. An accomplished digital customer experience, marketing and tech writer, she helps her clients close the space between their story and customers. She's great at c-level speeches, loves to get her hands on telling a strong brand story and eats up all things sales and product marketing. 

B.A.: German and European Economy (First Class)
Expertise: Content Marketing that starts with those at the top!

Company team

Jon Shepherd, Senior Journalist, Tech Copywriter

  • M.A.: International Relations and International Economics

  • Expertise: Global Geopolitics, Megacities, Smart Energy, IoT, Big Data, Scientific and Medical Journalism 

Company team

Russ Leonard, Senior Journalist, Tech Copywriter

  • B.A.: Journalism, Columbia University

  • Expertise: Human meets Technology, IoT and Blockchain, Future Work, New Living, Ethical World, Branding and Marketing  

Company team

Ute Freundl, Senior Copywriter

  • M.A.: Romanic Philology (LMU München/Sorbonne Paris)

  • Marketing Copywriter at Agencies heller & partner, Simon & Goetz, Wasl und Wüst

  • Expertise: PR, HR and Employee Branding, Internal Communication, IT Security and Cybersecurity, Big Data - Mainframe through to Containerisation, Wellbeing and Lifestyle

Company team

Emily Wachelka, Senior Copywriter

  • M.A.: Intercultural Communication and Cooperation (Munich University of Applied Science)

  • B.A.: Political Sciences and Italian (Northwestern University, Chicago) 

  • Expertise: AI, AR, Intellectual Property, Project Management, E-learning, Languages, Intercultural Skills